From Summer To School: Helpful Habits For Happy Students

Last Updated on August 3, 2024 by Brenda

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Top Tips for Helping Students Succeed

School will be starting soon and now is the time to start instilling some of these tips for school success.  Much research has been done on the need for quality sleep in order to perform well and for our bodies to function efficiently.  According to new research smart phones and other electronics are keeping our youth from sleeping and altering their brains to have a need for constant

The changes in our youth brought on by social media, smart phones, and the pandemic is very evident in classrooms and causing teachers much undo stress.  As a guest presenter going into a variety of classrooms, youth have trouble focusing and many lack social skills they will need to succeed in the workforce and college.

Our guest for this podcast has been a teacher for over 20 years and it is obvious during this recording that cellphone are causing issues even in his small classrooms.

We recently learned that one of our smaller school districts has implemented a cell phone ban for the upcoming school year in an attempt to increase the quality of education that their youth are receiving.   We look forward to hearing about how this change affects their school year and student grades.

#1 Tip for all ages: Limit Electronic Screen Time

Set Boundaries Early: Establishing boundaries around screen time from a young age is crucial. Limit video games and monitor social media usage to prevent issues such as anxiety and bullying.

No Electronics at Night: Ensure all electronic devices, including phones, laptops, and tablets, are kept out of the bedroom at night. This helps students get the deep, restorative sleep they need.

Consistent Routine

Bedtime Routine: Maintain a consistent bedtime routine, even on weekends, to help students adjust smoothly to the school schedule.

Morning Engagement: Parents should be awake and engaged when their children start their day. This sets a positive tone and ensures children feel supported.

#2 Tip for School Success is Parental Involvement

Check Homework: Regularly review your child’s homework and initial each completed page to show your involvement and accountability.

Electronic Progress Monitoring: For online learning, track your child’s progress regularly. Discuss their achievements and areas for improvement to keep them on track.

Don’t be afraid to contact the teacher if you notice changes in grades, behaviors, or just want to help your child do better.

#3 Tip Instill Healthy Habits for your whole family

Balanced Diet: Avoid foods with known additives that cause anxiety, such as Red 40. Encourage a balanced diet with minimal processed foods.

Physical Activity: Ensure children take regular breaks and engage in physical activities. This helps reduce stress and improves focus.

#4 Tip Build Relationships with Teachers

Open Communication: Encourage open communication between students and teachers. This helps address any issues promptly and builds a supportive learning environment.

Parental Engagement: Be proactive in communicating with teachers. Attend meetings and stay informed about your child’s progress and school activities.

Final Thoughts

As we prepare for the new school year, it’s important to remember that learning is a continuous journey. By implementing these tips, parents can help their children transition smoothly from summer to school, ensuring a successful and enriching academic experience. Remember, challenging yourself in the classroom sets the stage for conquering the world outside.

The Learning Center at House New Mexico is an alternative high school serving students from various areas, including Tucumcari, Clovis, Santa Rosa, Portales, and beyond. Initially offering book and packet-based learning, the Center now incorporates online opportunities through Amentum, blending traditional methods with modern technology. This hybrid model provides flexibility and personalized support, ensuring that students can engage in face-to-face interactions with teachers while also utilizing online resources. For more information on the Learning Center and additional resources for parents, please contact Clyde Moon at House New Mexico Schools.

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