Last Updated on October 14, 2024 by John Train

Thank you, Better Together New Mexico, for funding to provide vaccine education to Quay County in Unique Ways.
Education includes Videos made by Youth and Adults, Social Media, Radio Ads, Tabling at Events, and now a Podcast. Better Together funded equipment and staffing.

Keep Your Ducks in a Row!
Better Together focuses on vaccination education and resources to help families stay healthier. A social media campaign was developed to encourage vaccination uptake. Here are a few examples.

Radio Ads
Every month a different vaccine is highlighted and recorded by community members to provide the most current information. Radio ads are then turned into short videos to be posted on Facebook and Instagram.
Better Together Partnered with Tucumcari FCS Classes
High school students participated making short vaccination videos by researching material, writing a script, and recording content. Subject matter was chosen by the students. All full-length videos are on the YouTube page.