Last Updated on January 16, 2025 by Brenda

Mental Health Plans of Work (CHIP)

Community Health Improvement Plan for FY24 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)

Goal 1: Identifying an area of Mental Health that the Council Could Effectively Impact. Determined that Anxiety was an area that the Council could address.

We wanted to have a Focus Group with appropriate questions and worked with UNM to help us prepare. We learned that the evaluation of a true focus group was not in our capacity, so we conducted a “studio” on anxiety with facilitation from UNM.

We held conversations with Mental Health Provides, conducted community survey, had each committee examine how they could do something to address mental health and looked at data and literature.

Goal 2: Create a Campaign to encourage Quay County residents to be kinder to each other and visitors.

Our Campaign included social media posts, kindness ambassadors giving out sticker rewards, bracelets the community to be reminded to be kind, student groups at high school promoting kindness, podcast episode, book reading at elementary schools, and tablings with information, t-shirts, and even a kind dance. Pre-post surveys of first year showed an increase in community perception of how kind we are by 6%

Goal 3: Show a change in data related to mental health behaviors. No change yet.

Activities include: research on stigma and anxiety, surveying the community, social media posts and videos on anxiety and stigma, podcast episodes, new physical activity event, jump rope distribution, resource fair, and community presentations.

In addition to the site and updating it quarterly, we will create a plan to market it and post QR codes to it around the County.

Activities include: Continuing the current kindness activities, podcast episodes, work with middle school student council to conduct a kind activity, quarterly kind days, and a positive comment challenge. Check out our Campaign Pages!

Results of Anxiety Survey Conducted During August and September 2024

Bottom line: Everyone knows people that sufferer from Anxiety.

Key: Orange = Many, Blue = Several, Green = One, Brown = None, and Teal = Did Not Answer