Last Updated on December 11, 2024 by Brenda
Encouraging Active Living
Physical Activity Guidelines for All Americans
Do you have a daily step goal?
The target goal is 10,000 steps every day, but sometimes we choose other forms of exercise. This handy chart will help you convert other exercise to steps. Start a log sheet on your phone, computer or piece of paper to track your daily progress. Track your normal steps the first week and get an average daily steps. Try to increase from your base average steps, 10 percent each week until you are averaging 10,000 steps per day. Printable Step Conversion Chart
Wednesday Walking Group Meets Every Wednesday at 8:00 to 10:00 am in the Exhibit Center at the Quay County Fairgrounds. Walk and visit with friends. 1100 S Camino De Cornado. Enter through the back gate behind the Convention Center (1500 W Route 66). Make as many laps as you want. Sponsored by the Quay County Extension Service.
The Newly Remodeled Tucumcari Recreation Center is open for walking at 8:00 am each morning. You may walk around the basketball court as many times as you want. 900 E. Laughlin Street.
The Healthy Eating Active Living Committee Will Be Hosting These Activities This Year
- Jump into the New Year Jump Rope Challenge – February 1, 2025
- Details Here: Jump Rope Challenge
- Dr Seuss’s Birthday Party Booth – March 1, 2025
- Tucumcari Rockin Walkin Event 2025 – April and May
- Annual Fun Run Walk – September 27, 2025
- Identifying and Monitoring Safe Walking Areas in Tucumcari – Maps at the bottom of this page

Safe Walking Areas in Tucumcari
The Healthy Eating Active Living Committee Worked to Review places in Tucumcari where families could walk and have decent lighting and path to walk on.
Brenda shares about Fitness Complex Trail
Mary Ann shares about the Northside Park Route
TJ shares about the Elementary Route
Joyce shares about the Rail Trail
Gail and Trestin shares about the Outdoor Classroom

Printable version of original 6 walking routes

This sign marks each route. The Outdoor Classroom is located on 11th Street and Elementary Circle. This is a gated area, so does not have loose dogs. Be sure to close the gate when you leave.
5-mile park is located West of Tucumcari on Route 66. Use the 2nd entrance to the park marked with a disc golf course sign. The walking paths are dirt and utilize access roads and the disc golf course trails. Three distances to choose from. There is some inclines on the routes but none would be considered difficult. Be sure to watch for snakes when out at 5-mile park.