Episode 1: Opening the Chapter: Welcome to Health IQ

Last Updated on January 29, 2024 by Brenda

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Welcome to the Health IQ podcast, a platform created by the dedicated volunteers

of the Quay County Health Council in central-eastern New Mexico. In this

inaugural episode, the hosts—Annie McCauley, Bobby Hockaday, Rochelle Moon,

Brenda Bishop, and Joyce Runyan—invite listeners to join them on a journey

through various health topics affecting their community and beyond.

A Passion for Wellness: Who We Are

The Quay County Health Council is not your typical health organization; it’s a

group of volunteers driven by a genuine passion for wellness. Annie McCauley, a

local business owner and program coordinator, introduces the team, including

Bobby Hockaday, the executive director of Film Tucumcari, and others who

contribute their time and expertise. Their collective goal is to share practical

ideas, resources, and tips for those with limited access to services, helping

families stay healthy and well.

A Glimpse into Quay County: Challenges and Resilience

Quay County, located near the Texas border, faces unique challenges. Described

as a frontier community and a food desert, residents encounter difficulties in

accessing fresh produce, often at exorbitant prices. The county’s vast size,

remote rural nature, and sparse population create additional hurdles, making a

simple trip to the grocery store a 90-mile journey. The hosts shed light on the

county’s demographics, poverty rates, and the prevalence of agricultural-related


The Birth of the Health Council: A Beacon of Resilience

The Quay County Health Council’s roots trace back to 1991 when it was formed as

part of the Maternal and Child Health Council initiative. Despite funding

challenges over the years, the council persisted and adapted, eventually

becoming a 501c(3) to secure grants and sustain its mission. The COVID-19

pandemic brought new challenges and opportunities, pushing the council to

embrace online platforms and social media to connect with the community.

Committees, Grants, and Impactful Initiatives

The Health Council’s commitment extends to over 50 active volunteers working on

various committees and initiatives. From the Better Together project to programs

like Heal (Healthy Eating, Active Living) and efforts addressing substance

struggles and mental health, the council aims to effect positive change. The

hosts share their extensive planning calendar, highlighting the council’s

multifaceted approach to improving residents’ lives.

Looking Ahead: A Call to Join the Health IQ Journey

As the hosts conclude the episode, they express gratitude to listeners and the

behind-the-scenes contributors who make the podcast possible. They invite

everyone to join future episodes, explore the diverse topics covered by the

Health Council’s committees, and collectively improve their Health IQ.


The Health IQ podcast offers a glimpse into the resilience, challenges, and

community-driven initiatives of the Quay County Health Council. Through their

stories and insights, the hosts provide a valuable resource for listeners

seeking practical health tips and a deeper understanding of the unique health

landscape in central-eastern New Mexico. Stay tuned for more episodes and join

the journey towards improved well-being.

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