Last Updated on March 26, 2024 by John Train

There’s Help . . . There’s Hope


CHESS Teen Connections AppFREE App for Quay County residents to access peer support and mental health services. Teen edition available.
CHESS Adult Connections AppFREE App for Quay County residents to access peer support and mental health services. Adult version available.
Be a Rescue Buddy – Narcan InstructionsInstructions on how to properly administer Narcan to assist during an overdose situation. Need training? Contact Quay County Health Council.
Hotline Numbers & Treatment OptionsPartnership Addressing Substance Struggles brochure with resource contact numbers.
Fentanyl Drug FactsInformational sheet provided by National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Working to highlight resources, alternatives, harm reduction and prevention through different activities and educational formats.

A student shares the struggles of mental health, substance misuse, and addiction.

Thank you for sharing your story to help everyone understand the struggles faced by our youth.