Episode 4 – The Power of the Purge

Last Updated on February 12, 2024 by Brenda

Watch Episode 4 Here

It is amazing how much stuff we accumulate in just a year. But if we make a habit of spending time each month working on a different room or area it will not become overwhelming again. Decluttering is a commitment and takes time but once you get started it won’t be long before you see progress and experience the reduction in stress that removing excess in our homes can give us. Decluttering can be a refreshing start, bringing a sense of lightness and positivity. It’s about creating a space that resonates with good vibes.

Reducing the clutter can save us time and money because we do not have to invest in storing or caring for items. It also makes our homes safer by removing unused items and tripping hazards. Clutter collects dust and allergens, so reducing clutter improves our physical health. Caring for clutter or just thinking about clutter takes energy and causes stress and anxiety, so reducing clutter can help us improve our mental health.

Maybe you don’t have a bunch of unnecessary items lying around, but because you never took the time to identify the best storage spot for them, the items are in your way. Or have you spent time hunting for items because you cannot remember where you put them? Currently we are running a series of tips on the Quay County Health Council’s Facebook and Instagram pages to help you get organize with just one task a day. 

During the podcast we shared the 5 – Box Method for decluttering. Here is a breakdown.

Label box 1 “Keep”. This box is for the items you need or use regularly and have space for. The key word is use. As you finish sorting the area you are working on, put these items away. This helps reduce clutter right away. If they are valuable enough to keep, they should be worthy of having a permanent place in your house.

Label box 2 “Donate”. This box is for items that are in good condition and worth giving to a charity. Make sure the items still have value and are they usable by someone else. Do not let this box sit around too long. Take it right away to the donation place of your choice.

Label box 3 “Sell”. This box is for items that are in really good condition and people might pay for. Garage sales are a lot of work, but there are some other avenues for selling like consignment shops or a marketplace. Do away with this box, if you will never get around to selling because it will just continue to be clutter.

Label box 4 “Store”. This is for items you don’t use regularly but can’t part with or items that are used during certain times of year. This includes seasonal decorations and clothing. Be sure to purchase appropriate storage totes for these items to keep bugs, rodents, and dirt out of them.

The final box is “Trash”. This box is for items that are damaged, outdated, or are not good enough to donate or sell. As you place your keep items in their box. Make sure they are not broken. If you are not a fixer, move them to trash. 

Other tips for success include:

  • Starting small with one drawer or one corner. A good place to start is the kitchen. Get rid of expired food and spices and appliances or utensils that are broken or not used.
  • Try setting a timer. Work for 10 minutes on one area. If you make it 10 minutes and want to keep working set it for another 10.
  • Another method is a trash bag or box per day. Go through an area or the whole house and each day commit to filling either a bag to donate or a bag of trash.
  • BE KIND WITH YOURSELF! It takes time to declutter and get in the proper mindset. 

Another way to look at clutter is through this business rule. The 80/20 rule of business says if all of a given category of items are sorted in order of value, 80% of the value will come from only 20% of the items. Think about this in terms of clutter. 80% of the stuff on our shelves is occupied by stuff we never need or have not used in years. What percentage of your clothing do you actually wear? If we get rid of even 40% of the clutter in our homes, we can be 10% more efficient in everything we do. Another added bonus!

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