Episode 2 – Thriving in 2024 – Establishing Healthy Habits

Last Updated on January 29, 2024 by Brenda

Research shows that only a small percentage of people keep their New Year’s Resolutions longer than a month. Our guests agreed that they had trouble even setting resolutions because it was overwhelming.

We discussed the need for forming healthy habits throughout the year. To do this we need to choose goals that are achievable and that we can easily schedule into our routine. 

Develop the necessary skills and mindset ahead of time. Multiple stories show that self-efficacy and readiness to change predicted positive outcomes for those who made resolutions. 

Select smaller measurable goals instead of large general goal. Instead of losing weight, make it a more specific goal like,  I want to lose 1 pound a week.

Get plenty of sleep – Sleep plays a major factor in the success or failure of most resolutions.

Change timing mindset – Start today! Don’t wait for a magic day, like a Monday or the 1st of the month. Plus, it is okay to make a mistake. Just start over again.

One of the best ways to build a new habit is to identify a current habit you already do each day. Then stack your new behavior on top, suggests author James Clear in his book Atomic Habits. “This is called habit stacking. Rather than pairing your new habit with a particular time and location, you pair it with a current habit.” Going for a walk after dinner each evening would be a stack. Another example is taking your vitamins before you brush your teeth.

Once you decided to incorporate a new healthy habit into your life, you do not have to wait to start. Start right when you have made a the decision. Be sure to find simple ways to reward yourself and acknowledge your successes. It also helps to have a buddy to share your success with.

Remember, if you mess up, don’t give up. Hit the reset button and start again. Don’t beat yourself up or wait a long time to restart, because it will be harder.

It takes time for a new behavior to become a habit. Things do not happen overnight. Progress can take a while. But small steady changes can become significant lifestyle improvements.

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