From Tantrums to Triumphs: The Playful Path to a Happy Child

Last Updated on August 3, 2024 by Brenda

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In the digital age, parents are inundated with information on how to raise their children. From books to blogs, podcasts to TV shows, there’s a wealth of advice available at our fingertips. But with this abundance of information comes the challenge of discerning what’s truly beneficial for our children’s development. This episode aims to help parents navigate this information overload and reduce the stress associated with raising children.

 Janet Griffiths, Early Childhood Educator with Mesalands Community College shares her insights on helping young children thrive and become successful students and then adults.  A healthy start and the skill learned will stay with them throughout their life.

Mrs. Griffiths shares some invaluable tips on how parents can help their children develop. She refers to a handout titled “12 Ways to Build a Brighter Child”, inspired by a book by William and Martha Sears.

 According to Griffiths, the journey to a Bright child begins even before birth. A healthy womb environment, devoid of harmful substances like narcotics, cigarettes, and alcohol, is crucial. Additionally, a healthy diet plays a significant role in ensuring the child’s well-being even before they are born.  Of course, once they are here the healthy diet for Mom in still critically important.

Next is Smart Carrying.  Babies need to be held and have the tactile stimulation from human touch to thrive.  They also need to be held up so they can see everything around them.  Do not leave them in their car seat all day.   There are many devices around that can help you carry them while you have your hands free to do your chores.

Smart Talk is an important one.  This can also start while the baby is in the womb.  Talking to them helps them develop language skills.  Be sure to talk to young child face to face, so they can use facial expression to help understand meanings behind the words.  There is no need for baby talk use the normal language for your home.

Nutrition as your child grows is extremely important.  Breast feeding will give a baby a great head start including immunity from some illnesses.  But if you can’t be sure to use formula and follow your healthcare providers instructions for amount and type.  Remember do not prop the bottle, you baby needs the human contact as much as they need the formula.  As you add other food, your child will develop their tastebuds and many feeding skills.  Avoid processed and sugary foods, and your child will gravitate towards nutritious fruits and vegetables.

Smart Listening is helps your child understand their importance and will actually help with behavior issues.  Children need your attention and if they do not get it, will find a way to by acting out.  Smart listening involves interacting with your child by repeating back what they said, so they know you heard them and asking questions or giving them an answer.  It really helps if you squat to their level so you are not talking down to them.

Reading is the next point touched on.  Reading helps children of all ages build language skills and help them learn about the world.  There is even a correlation between the number of books in a child’s home and their delinquency rate.  Be sure to sign your child up for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library and they will get a free book each month until they are 6.

Smart Music helps children learn about rhythm and motion.  Remember those PBS TV shows from your childhood.  They all had music.  Research shows that music make kids calmer and smarter.  Make up your own songs for chores, feelings or even weather.  Make some homemade instruments and let them explore their creativity.

Children learn many things through play.  Play builds creativity, social skills, negotiation skills. Playing with other children is important too. They do not need direction just time and a few props or toys.  A young child can spend a lot of time playing with a box.  Toys do not have to be expensive.  Toys should be age appropriate and safe.  When looking at purchasing toys think about if the toy can do more than one thing, will hold their attention, does not make an annoying noise, promotes creativity, stimulates more than one sense, fosters eye and hand coordination, non-combative, helps develop social skills, promotes problem-solving, and has a long play life.

Everyone is smart in different ways, discover how your child is smart and help build that natural talent.  We all learn differently too, so understanding their best way to learn will help them have a good foundation for school success.

Snart School Starts involve prioritizing school for your family.  Make school a priority, review work, set a time for homework, set a bedtime, and build excitement for going to school.  Visit with teacher and make sure your child is on track and has what they need. Of course making sure mornings are not stressful will help them succeed to.  Just getting up 15 minutes earlier might make the difference. 

Remember life is the best teacher so get out and explore.  Nature has many things to offer, go on walks and take time to notice small animals and different plants.  Go shopping and try new foods. 

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